I like this blogery. I can't wait until I get off school for the holidays. I can't wait to see my brother. He's coming in on the 23rd of December at midnight, so it will be Christmas Eve when we see him. I saw him twice this year which is very strange, and rare. This will be the 4th time I've seen him in 9 years. He lives in Toronto. I went to see him this summer, I loved it. Toronto is amazing and so were all his friends. Its like he has a close family up there. But its pretty sad that they have seen him more than me. Pisses me off sometimes, but he's gotta make a living. And everybody knows Newfoundland has no jobs...

But anyways, on to other things. I've been very, very interested in the story of Chris McCandless (Aka Alexander Supertramp). More than interested, almost obsessed with his story. Earlier this month I went to see the movie based on the book of the same name about Chris's story called "Into The Wild". It was the best movie I have ever seen in my life! I loved it, I sat at the end of it just after Chris's death scene in awe. It was amazing. Sean Penn, who directed it, did an amazing job, there was no cheese. Alexander Supertramp, the anti-hero, to end all anti-heroes... I have no money since I'm saving up for Christmas Shopping, so I couldn't buy a copy of the book so I downloaded the audio book, I rather read it then listen to it cause I tend to drift off into other thoughts (day dream), but It was fan-freakin'-tastic... Chris was born into an upper middle class family, his dad had worked with NASA in the '60s so they could always afford to give him what ever he wanted, but he decided not to accept gifts at a certain point in his life. But anyways, he finished High School went to University, got his degree, than took off. He left without a word, Into The Wild. He planned to go to Alaska and live off the land for a while. He gave away his $24,000 to charity and burned the little he had left, then tramped all over North America. Canoed into Mexico illegally, hopped the rail, got beat up, and after 2 long years, made it to Alaska. In August '92 Christoper J. McCandless starved to death on the Stampede Trail, Alaska, USA. "S.O.S I need your help. I am injured, near death, and too weak to hike out of here. I am all alone, this is no joke. In the name of God, please remain to save me. I am out collecting berries close by and shall return this evening. Thank you, Chris McCandless. August?" - Chris McCandless, August, 1992.
sounds like a decent movie, I thinks i might see it when i gets the chance.
I saw this movie and it's best!
It maked me think to other thing's ..
In my life i must go at once to that bus 142 .. i may live other side of the world in Estonia but i will do it..i go there and feel the mother nature.
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